
Showing posts from November 21, 2021

Week 48

  Collection boxes and detail located in the tunnel.  Collection ends Wednesday Dec 8th! IMPORTANT!!  OSHA VACCINATION MANDATE UPDATE OSHA has paused action regarding the vaccination mandate until further notice. Muth will also pause enforcement of the mandate as we continue to receive guidance from attorneys and other officials. MUTH BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLEMENT Thank you to all that successfully enrolled  - the new format was an overall success.  IMPORTANT NOTE : If anyone received notification during enrollment that they needed to provide evidence of eligibility they MUST complete he required forms. If notification is ignored members could be denied benefits. Please see Angie with any questions. QUALITY IATF SURVEY MONKEY The initial round of surveys had ~ 40% participation. Currently results are under review with training to follow. Production will soon receive hard copies of the survey to complete.  QUALITY CUSTOMER COMPLAINT (1406) Mixed Glass Radius NEW...