
Showing posts from June 26, 2022

Week 27

  Production Updates With the current surplus of production hours, we have decided to shut down OED Production July 5 th . As we know, we are entering the low-season and current demand is light. We plan to review the workload on a weekly basis and make a decision on the schedule as we go. A few notes: This affects Production, PSTs, Leads, and Supervisors Office support are still scheduled to work (Industrial Engineering, Production Planning, Logistics, etc.) Members can choose to utilize PTO or take July 5 th unpaid Unpaid July 5 th will not affect July 4 th Holiday Pay July 1 st or 6 th will affect holiday pay Quality Update SMR - Chrysler GL: Partial Ablation  Honda Lock sort is complete!! Awesome work supporting this. We sorted 125,000.