Week 19

Safety Note
  • Always be on the lookout for forklift and WAVE traffic - sometimes they cannot see you
  • When possible, walk on the South side of the aisleway (Blue Floor Side)
  • Look both ways before crossing the aisleway
  • Use globes to see around hard-to-see corners
  • Avoid walking on the manufacturing floor for recreation
  • Always wear closed-toe shoes on the manufacturing floor 

Reminder! Log in your activities

Quality Note:
No new Customer Complaints!! Keep up the awesome work.

Kick-off to our Sustainability Initiative has begun….

Certification to ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is our goal in 2023.  

Jean McGovern is leading the team.  

Sustainability Team members:

ü  Ron Zimmerman

ü  Tony Mahlendorf

ü  Jenna Veldboom

ü  Jesse Stokdyk

ü  Trevin Mueller

ü  Mary Dickey

Monthly updates in the blog will be provided to the organization.  Jean has given the team members the first assignment of identifying Environmental Aspects of our business to complete a risk assessment.

The Yoga Survey was sent out and will close Friday 5/6