Week 46
Muth Wellness Challenge Ends this Week!!
As we’ve been doing for the last couple of years, to limit large gatherings, we will cover the 2023 benefit elections with an online presentation. A link will be sent to all team members to watch in the privacy of their own home. Computers will also be available at work for those that do not have access to one at home. The presentation will be sent out on Tuesday, November 8th. Along with the presentation, there will be attachments including the 2023 Benefit Guide and Instructions on how to enroll through Proliant. Elections must be made in Proliant by Friday, November 18th, 2022. If you have not already logged into Proliant for the first time to create your own unique password, please do so before open enrollment starts to avoid any issues.
No major changes to benefits for 2023. However, EXCITING NEWS… medical and dental remain the same for 2023 with no increase to employee premiums!
REMINDER….a spousal surcharge of $50/month will be added to those employees whose spouse is offered insurance through their employer sponsored plan and chooses to enroll in the Muth Mirror Systems health plan. if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Surcharges also remain the same for members that did not complete biometric screening or are nicotine/tobacco users.
If you want to keep your benefits exactly the same as this year, you do not need to re-enroll. If no changes are made, members will automatically be enrolled in what they were for 2022. However, if you contribute to an FSA or HSA, you will need to make an annual contribution update or it will zero out for 2023.
Thank you,
Angie Houseye
Human Resources Manager
Planning for the Holidays
Countdown to Christmas….this year Muth Mirrors will be supporting the Sheboygan Humane Society and Sunny Ridge Nursing Home.
Donation collections will take place 11/15/22 to 12/15/22. Watch for details coming soon!